Madison Harvey

The first floor hallway alongside the Autos classroom, known as “the dungeon” is one of West’s most famous nooks — one that many East students have never heard of.

The Upper Campus

May 20, 2021

Though the new Freshman Campus feels like the biggest change of the upcoming school year, the Upper Campus will be a totally new experience for the students at both East and West, causing a mix of emotions, and will undoubtedly impact the most students.

“Personally, I think It might be exciting and maybe create more creativity,” says East Campus sophomore Lynda Rotundo, “just something new for us all to learn.”

The students at West Campus are equally as excited about the merge. “I think the schools merging will be good for the upperclassmen to feel more united both in and out of school,” says West junior Audrey Whitman. “It will definitely create a different environment amongst all of us.”

As curious as current East students seem, it will be a big change for them.

“For the most part, I’m looking forward to seeing and meeting new people with the merges of schools,” Rotundo leads. “I will miss East, though, because I’ve already learned my way around, and I like how each floor is brightly decorated with different colored lockers, which in a way makes east feel more ‘homier’ than West.” 

Overall it will be a new experience for all of the students that are currently at East and West. Like anything new the feelings will be chaotic for a bit but will eventually settle. The students, even with their concerns, are curious and hopeful about the merge.

I’m just very excited about what’s to come,” says West Campus sophomore Joseph Sacramento. “I hope with the new addition we can utilize that to do great things at West.”

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