Opinion: Texas’s sexist abortion ban is also ineffective
The abortion ban does little to reduce the number of abortions. Instead, it controls womens’ bodies
Lorie Shaull / Kennedy Tetour
There are few topics more polarizing in the U.S. than abortion rights. With the Supreme Court set to weigh in on abortion bans in Texas and Georgia, more activists of all ages have stepped up to fight the law.
November 19, 2021
A woman sits in her doctor’s office waiting to hear the news. “You’re pregnant.” her doctor says. She immediately goes into a panic knowing her life is now at risk, and she can do nothing about it.
The abortion ban prevents abortions from occuring upon the detection of cardiac activity in embryos. This usually is around the 6 week mark when most women aren’t aware they are pregnant yet. Those who have experienced rape, incest or other nonconsenual experiences are forced to birth a child that they may not be physically, mentally, or financially prepared for.
Banning abortions does not prevent them, it only prevents safe ones. The amount of abortions occuring after banning them rises. NBC News had gathered data surrounding how the ban of aboritons relates to the amount of abotions occurring.“The data shows that abortion rates are roughly the same in countries where abortion is broadly legal and in countries where it isn’t,” Says Zara Ahmed, associate director of federal issues for the Guttmacher Institute and writer for NBC news. “And abortion rates are actually four times higher in low-income countries where abortion is prohibited than in high-income countries where it is broadly legal.”
Deaths and injuries from unsafe abortions are preventable. When undertaken by a trained health-care provider in sanitary conditions, abortions are even safer than child birth. “Both in-clinic and medication abortions are very safe,” Planned Parenthood says. “In fact, abortion is one of the safest medical procedures out there.” Unsafe abortions can have fatal consequences. According to the WHO, Unsafe abortions are the third leading cause of maternal deaths worldwide.
The denial of medical services, including reproductive health services that are only needed by a certain group is a form of discrimination. According to Amnesty International, “When governments restrict access to abortions, people are compelled to resort to clandestine, unsafe abortions, particularly those who cannot afford to travel or seek private care … Criminalizing abortion does not stop abortions, it just makes abortion less safe.”
Some people may argue that abortions are cruel and inhumane. Nine out of 10 abortions occur before the embryo is 12 weeks old, they are about 6cm, the size of a plum. The fetus is not regarded as a human being until 16 weeks. Most abortions are performed before the fetus is even considered a human being. Abortions benefit women who are unable to deliver the child safely, or have been through traumatic experiences leading up to the pregancy.
The 9 months of her pregnancy are about to be over as she enters the delivery room. Along with the next 18 years of her life that will be raising a child she was emotionally and financially unprepared for. This could have been prevented.