Heidie Dunn comes to school one morning excited to teach her students, and her students are just as excited to learn from one of their favorite teachers. Students enter the class room and settle at their desk, class is about to begin.
Dunn is a beloved teacher here at MCHS, this year she is one of the teachers of the year for Far North Suburbs Regional Teacher of the Year. Dunn is also one of the 13 regional finalists for state teacher of the year, chosen by the IL. Board of Education. She has had a long history here at MCHS, and she is one of the three AP Language and Composition teachers, she was also a Drama teacher and is currently the AVID Coordinator for the school.
“I feel really good — happy to be recognized,” Dunn says, “humbled because I know of so many wonderful educators in this building alone, and also a little stressed because the award comes with some responsibilities to make some public appearances as a keynote speaker at a few conventions next year.”
Even though Dunn is stressed about the responsibilities, her students are confident in her abilities to get through it. She is an amazing teacher who cares for her students and some of her students have expressed that.
“Mrs. Dunn actually puts in the effort to actually get to know her students,” Danielle Alonzo a sophomore in Dunn’s AVID class says, “personally and academically, also the things that they [Dunn’s students] like and don’t like.”
Putting effort into her job has gotten Dunn to where she is now. She is loved by most of her students because she actually gets to know them and will be there for them if they are struggling.
“She always tries to help her students with anything they need,” Elayna Machacek says, “and if she doesn’t know then and there she will look it up or try to find the answer for you.”
The award that Dunn got shows that she truly is an amazing teacher who cares for her students as the people they are, not just as the letters next to their names. She deserves this recognition that she has received.
“Mrs. Dunn’s leadership is evident,” the IL. Board of Education website said. “The school’s participants in the AVID program have achieved outstanding growth across a variety of metrics, including academic success, attendance, and involvement in school activities.”
Dunn has had a genuine impact on our school, and truly deserves this award. She has worked hard to get it in multiple departments of MCHS. It is impossible to not notice the difference she has made, even if you don’t know who made those changes.
As Dunn packs up for the day and goes to her car, she knows that she is confident in the work she does here for our school.