MCHS implements remote learning plan for snow days

When inclement weather can be predicted, students will learn from home says updated learning plan

Adam Chandler / Flickr

Snow days are usually called when roads and parking lots are dangerous to drive on or when it is too cold for students to walk to school. This year, students will learn from home when inclement weather can be predicted.

Lydia Lawrence, Staff Writer

On Nov. 23, MCHS implemented a new emergency closing plan to prevent pauses in learning due to inclement weather. 

Because of COVID-19, schools discovered a new learning model; digital learning. This allows students and teachers to connect virtually through various platforms. Recently, MCHS made the decision to use this model in case of emergency closings.

Typically, schools consider closing for two reasons: excessive snowfall or extreme cold. In the case of heavy snowfall, the decision to close is often made early in the day in case snow was cleared overnight. They also consider closing when temperatures drop below -30 degrees as frostbite can occur within minutes of exposure.

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Digital learning will only be held on days where inclement weather was predicted the day or night before. If the school closes the morning of, digital learning will not take place and the day will be made up at the end of the school year. MCHS developed this snow day policy to keep learning from being paused

According to the MCHS Emergency Learning Plan, on e-learning days students will be expected to join all their classes, except study hall, through links provided by their teachers on Schoology. Study hall will be asynchronous and should be used to complete any academic work. Regarding blended courses, students should still virtually join, but their teachers might release them to work offline. Additionally, AIM will remain on the bell schedule but will become “office hours” where students can meet with teachers through their office hours link.

This new policy received mixed reactions from students. Some enjoyed the traditional snow days where they didn’t have to worry about school. 

“Snow days are for playing in the snow and sleeping in,” said junior Julianna Ries. “If you have to do e-learning then then you don’t get the traditional experience of a snow day.”

Others, however, see the benefits of avoiding learning disruptions because of inclement weather. 

“It’s basically the same as a regular school day,” said sophomore Helaina Von Allmen, “and it’s nice to have no extra days.”

In case of a digital learning day, students and guardians will be notified via call or text to the phone number(s) they provided on Skyward. MCHS stresses the importance of updating contact information in order to be notified. The district website will also be updated with information regarding closures and extracurricular activities.