MCHS offers students job opportunities at MTI Career Match
The MTI Career Match event will take place March 22 in the Upper Campus main gym
Students will be able to learn more about job opportunities from McHenry area businesses at the MTI Match Day during lunches on March 22 at Upper Campus.
March 20, 2023
On March 22, during all lunch periods, students can attend the new MTI Career Match event.
MCHS will have approximately 30 local organizations/businesses set up in the Upper Campus Main Gym. This voluntary event will provide students with internship possibilities, apprenticeships, job shadowing, volunteering, work-based learning and other employment opportunities they offer.
“McHenry has a lot of great businesses and industries that are hiring and can offer opportunities to our students,” Carl Vallianatos, assistant superintendent of MCHS, says. “Some even offer benefits like signing bonuses and paying for education.”
For example, becoming a barista at Starbucks gives students many benefits. Starbucks offers eligible partners the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree with 100% tuition coverage, coaching, counseling and advising through Arizona State University’s top-ranked online degree programs.
“The goal is to connect our business partners who need skilled and talented workers with our students who may be looking for part-time or full time work,” Vallianatos says.
Valliantatos mentions that McHenry has a lot of businesses and industries that are hiring and can offer opportunities to students.
“The fall MTI Expo and the upcoming College & Career Expo are intended for exploration,” Curtis Menke, the college counselor of MCHS, says. “The new MTI Career Match Day is intended for students to possibly act on the aforementioned opportunities.”
Events like these are for any student interested in gaining opportunities outside of high school.
“Although students with any career interest can find opportunities at this event,” Menke says. “I hope to see seniors considering Workforce Training careers to take advantage.”
MCHS has the MTI Career Expo in the Fall for students to further investigate career options and education needed to pursue them. In the spring, MCHS has the MTI Match Day for students to garner jobs and internships and potential work and career experience.