The timer in the hallway is counting down, and a student looks for a path to their class, while a stampede of slow walkers blocks any possible exits. They look at the timer over and over, praying they won’t be late to class at the fault of another slow walker.
Slow walkers within the halls of MCHS can be an inconvenience for other students. Student do not enjoy having to wait for others to move in the halls.
“It takes them forever to get down the hallway,” Leo Marak senior at MCHS says, “I just want to walk past them, but I can’t … they stand in the middle of the hallway … It takes me ten minutes to get to a class when it should just take me a minute.”
Awareness in the hallways can be a clear issue for some, and typically it comes off in a rude manner.
“They are always mean too,” Marak says. “You ask them to move out of the way, and they either give you a mean mug or tell you to shut up.”
The conversation of slow walkers is definitely an agreeable topic for students, they are no good. Students agree that they cause unnecessary drama in the hallways, and make getting to class a daily struggle.
“I personally hate slow walkers,” D’Angelo Davis, sophomore at MCHS says. “They are always in my way, and they take up a lot of my time. I’m usually in a rush to my next class, and slow walkers take up the whole hallway and take forever to get to their class.”
Other students have similar experiences involving being late to classes due to their slower peers.
“They get in my way when I’m trying to get to class,” Joey Fisher, sophomore at MCHS says,”I’ve gotten tardies and detentions because of them.”
The bell rings, and the student is just within reach from their class, their teacher gives them a disappointed look as they walk into their seat and see the slow walker barley at the end of the hallway.