For at least the past five years Disney has been releasing live action remakes of some of their most classic animated films, but very few have actually been good remakes with most being mediocre compared to the animated counterpart.
In the coming weeks Disney is set to release the not so emancipated live action remake of their original film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” Besides all of the controversy the films has gone through already it just looks really bad.
They made the dwarfs in the movie this really unsettling CGI that just looks off putting, which was the whole problem people had with this film in the first place.
Originally when the movie was announced they had gotten rid of the dwarfs entirely. This not only upset general audiences but also caused trouble from little people actors. There have been some that came out and said that they hate the idea of using little people in the movie, like famed actor Peter Dinklage.
But Dinklage was slightly “cancelled” for saying this by other little people actors who have said that there aren’t many roles for them in Hollywood, so one where they get to be the stars would be an amazing opportunity.
In the end we can see that Disney has just decided to go the safe route and CGI the dwarfs, which is possibly the worst route they could have gone. Not only are they now taking away jobs from face actors, but they are proving that they can’t do anything without using CGI.
The original “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” is such a historically significant film in the world of animation, with it being the first full length feature film to be fully animated. It introduced an entirely new format of film and involved techniques that further the progression of animation. Remaking such a significant animated film feels wrong.
Walt Disney for all of his flaws would have been outraged with the state of his studio today. He was one of pioneers of animation, imagine how he would feel if the film that made his career was being remade to make a quick buck.
If Disney, the company, used their remakes to introduce new ideas or a new viewpoint, then they would at least be watchable. What’s the point of watching a scene for scene remake that’s lifeless and adds nothing, when you could watch the original where the idea was new and the people working on it had a passion for it. It’s disappointing seeing Disney run out of original ideas and resorting to whatever they are doing now.
Some of the Disney remakes aren’t terrible, but nothing compares to watching animation. There’s just something about animation that makes a movie feel so lively, not CGI, but hand drawn animation. You can feel the passion of the animator through just watching it, something you don’t get when watching CGI or live action. Why would Disney want to take away that feeling just to make money? The whole studio is based on animation, yet they seem to want to get rid of it. It’s really sad to watch a studio that used to have so much life slowly die.