The eighth period bell has rung, and an MCHS student is walking to the south entrance. After a long, stressful day they’re ready to go home. But, before they can walk out the door, they see a bright smiling face. Dr Jeff Prickett, the Upper Campus’s principal, gives the student a big smile and a fistbump, changing the trajectory of the students mood.
At the end of the school year, Prickett will leave MCHS to end his administrative career where he started, elementary school. Prickett began as a teacher in South Cook County before becoming an administrator.
“I started out as an assistant principal at Parkland,” Prickett says. “Actually, I spent two years there, and then got my first principal job in Round Lake Park, and spent ten years there.”
Prickett has been in the school environment for almost three decades. He started his career as an english and government teacher, before becoming an administrator for 23 years.
“I was in the classroom for five years and loved it,” Prickett says, “but I had started thinking about bigger, broader issues, and realized that I could probably contribute better to those issues that are outside of the classroom education as a whole, if I were, like a building principal or some type of an administrator, so I can have a bigger impact on the lives of kids.”
Principals tend to move from school to school after some years, but Prickett has been at MCHS for eight years.
“While studies show principals can take five to seven years to implement meaningful change in schools, the national average tenure of a principal is four years,” Dustin R. Gacherieu writes in Leadership magazine.
Having been here for over seven years, Prickett has made a lasting impact on the school, and those who learn inside of it.
“It’s definitely devastating, for sure, he’s done such a great job,” says junior Stefanie Sanchez. “Just even if it’s just standing outside the school every Wednesday, giving everyone a fist bump as they come in, it just shows that he’s present and he cares.
“I’m obviously incredibly happy for him,” says Director of Student Activities, Mitch Stengel. “The first thing I said when he told me was ‘that is so awesome.’ He has been an awesome boss, friend, and mentor to me throughout the early stages of my administrative career … I wouldn’t be the Director of Student Activities without his support!”
Staff members at MCHS feel that Prickett has had a positive impact on students and has made a lasting impact on the culture at MCHS.
“Jeff has an amazing relationship with our student body,” says District 156 Superintendent Dr. Ryan McTague. “I know they will miss him very much. I want to assure our students that we will find a Principal that has the same student-centered community focus.”
Prickett has done a lot for MCHS over his years. His favorite accomplishments are implementing the portrait of the graduate, his work with the REN team and encouraging more pep rallies.
“My number one goal has always been to make sure that everybody is seen, heard and loved,” Prickett said.
While Prickett looks fondly at his work at MCHS, he also turns to get ready for the future. Prickett will be the new principal at Meadowview Elementary School in Grayslake, IL. starting next school year.
“It’s also exciting for me thinking about the my next chapter, but it’s also sad to leave anything that you’ve built and the people that you’ve gotten to know you know,” Prickett said. “What I’m looking forward to is going in and spending a year getting to know everybody, kids, teachers, parents, in the community, how the district runs. I don’t, I don’t ever go into a new place with ideas of my own.”
MCHS will miss their beloved principal and wish him well on his new journey.
“I hope the students will take the next few months to pay him respects and well wishes, especially our seniors,” says Assistant Superintendent Carl Callianatos. “As our school year closes, our main event will be graduation and I know that will be a special moment for him and our senior group as they have all been on quite a journey with each other over the past four years.”
The hiring process of an administrator so late in the school year can be a tedious and stressful process. MCHS wanted to fill the open position as soon as possible with the most qualified candidate. As of Mar. 18, Freshman Campus Principal, Gregory Eiserman has been announced as Upper Campus principal for the next school year.