On Monday around 6:30 p.m., District 156 called a “snow day” for Tuesday due to freezing temperatures.
Instead of implementing our Emergency E-Learning plan, MCHS canceled classes at both campuses for the whole day. Instead, students and staff will have a “classic” snow day and make up the missed day at the end of the year.
“The building Principals will decide whether after-school events or athletic practices/competitions will take place in conjunction with the Athletic Director,” said an email sent out to students, staff, and parents. “The website will have updated information as it becomes available.”
As of Tuesday morning, all after-school activities have been cancelled, according to Activity Director Mitch Stengel. Announcements will be made about athletics later in the day.
This is the first snow day of the school year. Many students and staff were not only surprised to learn that the three-day weekend following MLK Jr. Day would be extended, but also that no e-learning would take place, especially after the Emergency E-Learning plan was announced last semester.
“I was not expecting to have a snow day tomorrow,” sophomore Hayley Lawrence said. “I think it is a nice break not to have e learning tomorrow but it stinks we have to make it up at the end of the year.”
Senior Caleb Cadwell agreed, saying how e-learning can be hard for some students.
“I think it’s great not having an e-learning day tomorrow because many other students like me cannot learn virtually,” Cadwell said.
Because of the snow day, the last day of finals will now take place on May 23.