Keeping the machine running

IT Support Leanna Anderson finds ways to keep both her school and students on track

Madison Wise

Leanna Anderson helps MCHS student at her IT help desk on January 7. She spends her time in the library solving student’s technology problems.

Ciara Duncan, Staff Writer

Running a school can be thought of as running a well-oiled machine. The machine is made up of many parts, some obvious, some not. But, if just one of those parts doesn’t work, the entire machine breaks down. West Campus IT Support Leanna Anderson is one of those parts.

Describing herself as a teacher, Anderson spends her time in the library helping solve student’s technology woes. 

“I enjoy teaching students and staff how to use things,” Anderson says. “New tools, new ways to use stuff, how to get something done in a more efficient way.”

As of late though, she says that most of her time has been spent tracking down students in order to receive loaned Chromebooks back. McHenry West Campus’ program for students, who for a variety of reasons don’t have their personal Chromebooks, can receive one for the day. However, when students do not return their loaned Chromebooks, it can inconvenience both students and staff.

“You’ve got students who are holding onto them for days upon days upon days. Now, you’re getting other students that can’t get a Chromebook who aren’t here every day. They can’t get that Chromebook because students are holding onto them,” Anderson says. “I’ve had to turn students away.”

Along with this, students who do return their Chromebooks sometimes use it as an excuse to leave both class early, and school at the end of the day. 

“Basically, you’ve got students that are coming out of class. It’s a disruption,” Anderson states. “They’re leaving class to get down here a few minutes early before leaving for the bus. Most of these kids don’t want to stick around, so they’re leaving school before the bell even rings.”

However, this is not to say that the program isn’t beneficial. Anderson herself understands the necessity of this program. 

“I want to make sure everybody’s taken care of. I don’t want to make sure one or two [people] are, I want to make sure everybody is.”

That sense of care is one that keeps Anderson here every day, doing her job. Even throughout all of the stress she has endured, so much so she had to “change her hair color”, she still finds ways to enjoy the daily grind. 

“I love the students. I love the staff. I’m crazy that way… The ideal thing about being a teacher in itself is basically showing somebody an idea, and having them understand that idea. Not necessarily on a subject line, [but] just making them understand this is how you do it, this is how you get it. Then, they understand, the light-bulb goes off, and boom. Beautiful things happen.”