Freshmen head to Upper Campus for sneak peak

On Friday, freshmen will take a tour of the Upper Campus and enjoy pep assembly to help make the transition from the campuses smoother

John Lunkenheimer

Freshmen from Swanson’s AIM battle in a tug-of-war competition on April 25 in the Freshman Campus main gym. Winners of the competition will compete during the Freshman Rally on Friday.

Leah Wickenkamp, Freshman Campus Correspondant

Freshmen will be spending the day at the Upper Campus for a tour and pep assembly on Friday, April 29 as an introduction to their new campus.

Students that ride the bus will be dropped off directly at the Upper Campus. All car riders should be dropped off at the Upper Campus, on time, in the morning. School will be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. and a shuttle will be provided for anyone who walks to and from the Freshman Campus.

The short day at the Upper Campus is a way to help smooth the transition from the Freshman to Upper Campus next year. It allows students to get comfortable with their surroundings and bond with fellow classmates.

“There are quite a few things that are different at the Upper Campus,” Kyle Hobson, Associate Principal of the Freshman Campus, says. “This event allows the students and the staff at the UC to communicate these differences and the expectations that come along with them.”

While many students have spent time at the Upper Campus, whether that be because of sports or relatives, the sneak peek gives freshmen that are not as comfortable a way to see what lies in their future.

“Any opportunity we can give our students to familiarize themselves with the Upper Campus is a bonus,” Hobson says. “Hopefully students are viewing this as a means to reduce anxiety and increase confidence”
Lots of stress can come with going to a new school, and having prior knowledge about the school and its expectations can help out.

“I think this is a good opportunity for freshmen,” says freshman Miah Kucinski. “I like that I’m going to get to know the school so I feel more comfortable for sophomore year.”