Rising to the challenge

With hybrid learning starting second semester, teachers’ jobs are changing — from supporting students in-person and remotely to enforcing safety rules

Kaylee Hoguet

Though teachers are ready for hybrid learning, they have also switched roles several times since last spring — transitioning from in-person teaching to mostly asynchronous last year, then by teaching daily on Zoom, and now to a mix of in-person and remote during hybrid learning.

Josie Cable, Opinions Editor

Walking down that unusually empty hallway during passing periods, teachers wave to students and grin behind their masks, happy to see students back in the building. Knowing that they have a unique responsibility to fill, teachers break up groups of accumulating students and give firm reminders for students to replace their masks over their noses and mouths. 

Semester two has started and this time the school has finally begun hybrid learning. This means that teachers will be playing different roles to fulfill the safety standards of this new learning plan.

“I think it is going to be both a negative and positive change for a while,” explains physical education teacher Carrie Recard. “Just like e-learning, there will always be pros and cons. As teachers always do, they will focus on the positives to create the best learning environment for all.”

Most teachers believe that hybrid learning will be helpful for their students. Online learning has made teaching more difficult for most so returning back into the school will make learning easier — and create some normalcy that has been missing during these past months.

“Especially for science, I think hybrid learning will be a positive change,” says science instructor Beth Czubik. “You don’t learn science; you do science. It will be so beneficial to have students in the classroom actually doing biology. It’s so much more enjoyable that way!”

Teachers roles have changed a lot during the first semester, and if hybrid learning is implemented they will evolve even more. Safety precautions will need to be enforced by teachers in order to keep everyone in the school safe. 

“I believe it is extremely important that we all follow the safety protocols and I would not tolerate any deviation from the rules,” says English instructor Constantina Koulis. “It is my responsibility to create a safe classroom environment so that all students feel comfortable. We all have to cooperate in order for this to work out, and since we all want to be in school together it should be an easy choice for everyone to follow the rules.” 

Making sure students follow the rules is going to be a big change for MCHS teachers, and they will have support from building administrators, including assistant principals and deans. Being strict is how most are going to make it happen. As long as students cooperate there shouldn’t be a problem.

“It’s pretty simple: wear your mask, be socially distant as much as possible, and wash your hands often,” social science instructor Rob Niemic says. “We’ve done these things outside of school for 10 months now … I sure hope we don’t have to remind high schoolers to follow the basic norms.” 

No matter how teachers’ jobs change during the rest of the school year, adapting to situations and assuring that students are learning in a safe environment will be most important.