Talk to the manager
Though sometimes unappreciated, managers for each of MCHS’s sports help their teams closer to success
Senior Carly Bondinus, varsity wrestling manager, observes the IHSA State Wrestling tournament at Barrington High School on Feb. 12.
March 2, 2022
As Carly Bondinus, a varsity wrestling manager, watches the wrestlers compete, she records their matches and writes their statistics. During tournaments, she and fellow wrestling managers record up to 150 videos and statistics for team. They go match to match and meet to meet making sure that they do every they can to support the team.
Managers are needed by most of MCHS’s athletics, and some have a who separate team to support them. Other wrestling managers include Rachel Gorham, Annie Trinh, Brandylen Pasternock and Marissa Maddock, for example. They work together and help run the show.
Some managers take track care of uniforms, at home meets they will be running times and stats, as well as the team’s roster delivering them back and forth between teams.
Going to the matches, tournaments and meets takes a lot of respect from the managers towards the team and the sport in order to keep up with it. The long hours require lots of dedication.
“Wrestling is one of the strongest teams, that is strongly understood and respected,” Bodinus describes, “so it takes a lot of Saturdays and Sundays that can be really long.”
The managers control a lot of matches and keep score or help with the practices by informing the team on what to do. This can be very helpful to coaches who have a lot on their plate.
“The managers play an important role in running badminton matches or practices,” states Dale Gross, the boys varsity bowling and girls varsity badminton head coach.
Managers can mean more to the team than just being there for athletic support.
“All the team members give the managers only respect and a good laugh every here and there,” explains Bodinus. “The teams relationship with the managers is very strong and healthy. However not every manager has a good relationship with the team, but it does mean that they can build a relationship with the team though.”
When managers build relationships with the team, it benefits the morale and closeness of the team. It can personally benefit the managers.
“I love being able to spend time and building relationships with the boys,” describes Bodinus. “They are and being able to grow up together as a team. It helps you build strong character and make relationships which is very fun.”
Managing a team can be difficult, but very rewarding for the team, coach and personally. It is something that is always in need and it looked highly upon. Many teams are in need and are always looking to have a helping hand.