Opinion: Celebrities aren’t immune to the virus

Influencers and celebrities continue carelessly partying and traveling like COVID does not exist for them — and they should know better

Kylie Chisamore

Influencers on TikTok and Instagram know that the world is watching them. So do celebrities in movies, on TV, and in the music industry. So why aren’t they falling COVID guidelines?

Josie Cable, Opinions Editor

Despite experts’ instruction to avoid events and gatherings, plenty of celebrities and influencers continue to throw and attend parties like COVID has no effect on them. We are still in a pandemic and this reckless behavior should not happen without consequence. No matter the person’s social status.

Since the ongoing pandemic hit some celebrities and influencers have used their platforms positively by urging followers to wear masks and social distance. However, others continue to irresponsibly party and travel while the virus continues spreading.

Gucci Mane and Tyga were seen partying along with 150 other guests in Miami. Other celebs included Lil Pump, Scott Disick, and Lil Baby. From the video,s it’s clear that there wasn’t a mask in sight and, according to the New York Post guests were on an honor system to get tested before attending. Although cases are dropping from a record-setting fall in the U.S., the COVID-19 death toll has reached 500,000, more than any other nation. This is why following guidelines and rules are very important. Throwing and attending parties will only reverse the decline, and celebrities are no exception.

Influencers like Charli D’Amelio have encouraged their followers to obey COVID Public safety guidelines. However, the TikTok star went against her own statement by traveling to the Bahamas on a vacation with her family. After receiving backlash Charli’s dad Marc D’Amelio spoke out against the hate saying that, “It was a family vacation.” Whether it only included her family or not traveling during the pandemic increases the chance of contracting and spreading the virus. Telling her fans to “stay safe” but not practicing it herself is irresponsible and does not set a good example. This proves that certain celebrities believe they are exempt from COVID guidelines because of their status.

While Charli did receive some backlash other celebrities are not being held accountable for their careless behavior. Despite Los Angeles COVID-19 cases exceeding 1 million, Kylie Jenner after recently returning from a girls’ trip abroad did not quarantine but instead threw a grand third birthday party for her daughter Stormi. During the time someone in L.A. was dying from OVID every 10 minutes. The fact that she continued to host the party and got little backlash is shocking. Even if you are a millionaire, you can still catch the virus and endanger the people around you.

Although these celebrities may have been taking precautions they are still risking people’s lives by partying or traveling. Their high status does not give them the privilege to do whatever they want and does not make them immune to COVID.

Celebrities are role models to millions of people and need to be responsible during this dangerous period. They are not exempt from the rules and need to be held accountable for their careless actions.