Crime Scenes: Blaming the victim
Cindy James was stalked and abused, but was unable to tell anyone the identity of attacker — until it was too late
Victim Cindy James knew that her attacker was her ex-husband, but feared the consequences of telling anyone. Some claim her death was a suicide, the facts tell a different story.
March 12, 2021
Agnes goes on a visit to her best friend Cindy James at her house. She knocks on the door. When there’s no answer, she lets herself in. Anges assumes Cindy is just taking a bath and can’t hear her, until she searches the whole house and doesn’t see a sign of her anywhere—that is, until she checks the backyard. She sees her best friend with a tight nylon stocking around her neck kneeled to the ground, nearly dead.
Nothing much is said about Cindy James’ childhood; she grew up in Richmond, Canada. She was known to love working with children, especially children with a troubled past. Cindy graduated nursing school in 1966, and married and eventually divorced a man by the name of Dr. Makepeace.
Cindy started receiving strange and threatening phone calls and letters. Cindy went to the police after talking to her parents to report this harassment she’s been receiving, but things only became violent. Her phone lines were severed, porch lights were smashed, and she heard people outside her home at night. Unfortunately, the police doubted Cindy James. They didn’t believe that she was being harassed.
During this time, with no one seemingly on her side, Cindy changed from a bubbly woman who loved life and was lovely to be around (according to friends and family) to a woman who was afraid and depressed all the time.
Cindy hired a private investigator by the name of Ozzie Kaban. Cindy finally came clean after a visit to a psychiatric hospital that she knew details to who her attacker was but couldn’t say anything because he threatened her friends and family. Eventually, she went to police and told them she believed her ex-husband was behind the stalking.
One day, Cindy goes to the local shopping center and they found her car with blood in it, and Cindy was missing for two weeks before they found her body in the front yard of an abandoned house. Her hands and feet were tied and there was a nylon stocking around her neck that had been used to strangle her. She was also injected with morphine.
I believe the ex-husband, Dr. Roy Makepeace, was the one doing this to her. After all, Cindy said it was him. The stalker told Cindy if she said who it was, she would die. She said it was her ex-husband, and then she died shortly after. Her ex-husband, Dr. Makepeace, was a psychiatrist and had access to drugs like morphine. Because of his profession, he is also able to manipulate people around him easier, like Cindy and her family and friends.
Another reason is that someone saw a man outside her home and while the private investigator was there they heard banging on the door. It had to have been someone else, not just Cindy, because there was no way she could have been doing it herself while the private investigator was watching her.
Many say that Cindy James killed herself, but I do not believe this is true. She could not have strangled herself with her hands and feet tied up, especially with morphine in her system. She would have walked a half mile barefoot without getting a speck on dirt on her feet. Also someone would have seen her because where she was found was in a busy area, and they didn’t find her for two weeks.
Dr. Makepeace, Cindy James’ ex-husband, is the one who was tormenting her and ended up murdering her. With the evidence that it must have been a third party, all signs point to Dr. Makepeace. I believe that Cindy’s death was wrongfully called a suicide and she deserves justice.
Anonymous • Aug 5, 2021 at 12:17 pm
Once you do some research on her case there’s only one logical explanation: she did it to herself. She suffered with mental illness and it got severely worse during the 6 years that these incidents took place. If you listen to the messages that the caller left on her machine it’s obvious that it’s a woman trying to disguise her voice. There are so many other extremely odd things that took place. In 6 years she made over 100 calls to police about these threatening calls and attacks but nobody was ever with her to witness anything. She claimed to get calls day and night but whenever someone would go to stay with her for a few days the calls would conveniently stop. The police wanted to have surveillance at her home in hopes of catching whoever was attacking her, and they wanted to put a 24 hour police patrol near her home for her protection, but she refused and would get defensive. If someone attacked you several times and was calling you day and night threatening you, would you refuse police protection and surveillance in the hopes of catching the person doing this? Of course you wouldn’t. But she refused it. Her doctor also ordered her into a mental hospital during this time. She was there for 10 weeks! That’s not just a little evaluation where you’re held for 10 minutes and then go home. She was there for over 2 months, which clearly shows something wasn’t right upstairs. In every attack she was tied up with pantyhose. I think this might be an important clue. Pantyhose are a very stretchy and super sheer, thin material which is why ladies are always getting holes or runs in their stockings/pantyhose. She likely used pantyhose to tie herself up because if nobody found in her time she could easily get out of it by stretching or making cuts or holes in them. There are so many other clues that point to the fact that it was her. It’s the only thing that makes sense.
Samantha Zaharia • Jun 14, 2021 at 8:20 pm
What about Pat McBride, the cop she was seeing after the divorce. I wonder where he ended up and how loyal or influential the local cops might have been.
It sounds to me like somebody letting the ex-husband take the fall for a brother in arms. The VPD has buried some stuff over the years.
Also, this is not the only unsolved case of murder by strangulation in BC. A young woman was killed here in a Vernon, not long after they opened. She was only here a few days, having transferred to the local branch of CIBC, before she was found strangled with pantyhose in a room at the Village Green Hotel.
I could go on but I have a question for you. Why the interest in this case from way over there in Indiana? How did this come to your attention?
Alright. I have several questions. ♀️
🙂 Sam