Opinion: Valentine’s Day has lost its heart

The mid-February holiday, which used to be about showing love, has become more about showing off — and spending money along the way

Kenney Tetour

Gifts such as candy and a teddy bear can show a person you care about them — or they could be a way of projecting to your followers on social media that you are sweet. Is that what Valentine’s Day is all about?

Alayna Majkrzak, Staff Writer

Red hearts and giggles fill the air as people give their significant others grand gifts with big gestures. Flowers are passed between hands along with flirtatious glances are passed. While others wondered if anyone would get them anything. Valentine’s Day has become a contest of who can give the best gifts instead of just showing love for a significant other.

As the years go on,  Valentine’s Day becomes more of a commercial holiday instead of a display of love and affection. While some people’s love language is gift giving, many people prefer just getting kind words. Gifts are good, but that is not the only way to show someone that they are loved and appreciated. This holiday has become more for companies to profit off of someone’s love for another person. A bouquet of flowers alone can cost 30-40 dollars depending where a person goes to.

Showing love in a relationship is not a one day thing. Love should be shown everyday for a significant other not just for one day. No one should need an excuse to buy a gift for someone they love. A gift means so much more if it is just because someone wants to show love for their significant other. Instead of buying loads of expensive items for their partner, they can write love letters to them, or do a painting of somesort. It is nice to know that even if the painting is bad that someone really put time, effort, and thought into a gift.

Even though Valentine’s Day gives someone an excuse to spoil their significant other, that is all that valentines day has turned into. An excuse shouldn’t be needed, showing love is not a competition to get into. It should be out of the goodness of someones heart that they are showing love, not one-up their friends.

Even if Valentines day is just one day, it is still nice to see almost everyone in a better mood with smiles on their face while they talk about their significant other. Everyone’s happiness on Valentines day is infections.

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful day for people to show their love for one another. But remember that Valentine’s Day is only one day a year, and love should be shown in exponential amounts on every day of the year.