MCHS develops Portrait of a Graduate

In order to create a visual defining what students should strive to achieve at MCHS, administration is working to develop a Portrait of a Graduate

Beth Brackmann

Community stakeholders — including students, parents and teachers — have been invited to complete the Portrait of a Graduate survey in order to define the sort of student who graduates from MCHS.

Grace Hunt, Freshman Campus Bureau Chief

MCHS is working on a Portrait of a Graduate project that articulates outcome goals for all students who leave MCHS and become active participants in the community in order to reach success after graduation. 

A Portrait of a Graduate is a picture of the hopes and dreams a community develops for its students beyond high school and the characteristics an individual should possess. It is used to identify what graduates should know and the competencies of the skills, beliefs and values they should possess to find success in learning, work and life beyond graduation. 

“The Portrait of a Graduate will be used to develop a strategic planning process that will span a number of years,” said MCHS Principal Dr. Jeff Prickett. “The Portrait will guide that work in the community, it will be important to continue our strong partnerships and ensure that everyone knows what we are attempting to accomplish through the Portrait, thereby creating Checks and Balances.” 

The Portrait of a Graduate will be developed by community members forming a Core Representative Team composed of students, staff, board members, administrators, parents and community members from the district. This core group is to partner with the community to achieve excellence and receive different perspectives and inputs. 

“What motivated me was the desire to bring a variety of stakeholders — students, parents, community business leaders, teachers, etc. — together as we transitioned the district from two comprehensive high schools to one high school with a separate Freshman and Upper Campus,” said Prickett. “I was also motivated by the opportunity to work closely with this group on the basis of a district strategic plan, as well as a fresh Mission and Vision.”

The Core Representative Team is undergoing four meetings to complete this project. Each meeting has been centered around the focus to set the stage, brainstorm ideas, draft competencies and complete the final draft to share with the district and guide students and community members. 

“I really like the Portrait of a Graduate and I love being a part of it,” said student Alyna Villarreal. “We’re the voice for the students because not everybody can go into these meetings.” 

A district-wide survey was released to the community to get feedback and align ideas, as everyone’s contribution is important in the creation of Portrait of a Graduate. 

“The most challenging part of this process is ensuring that we are hearing from a broad range of voices representing as many different populations of people as possible,” said Prickett. 

The Portrait of a Graduate project will compromise on selecting important values and traits to display in an accessible visual to be created by MCHS’s graphics team. 

“What I hope to accomplish is a sense of motivation and hope, as we come together as an entire community and think about the future of our community,” said Prickett.

Students are encouraged to complete the Portrait of a Graduate survey.