McHenry High School's student-written and -edited newspaper

The McHenry Messenger

McHenry High School's student-written and -edited newspaper

The McHenry Messenger

McHenry High School's student-written and -edited newspaper

The McHenry Messenger

When a student needs extra help with homework or someone to vent to, MCHSs teacher often make the time and give support as needed.

A step further

Lydia Lawrence, Staff Writer May 24, 2023

Listen to this audio story by clicking the play button below. The McHenry Messenger · A Step Further   Students universally struggle with school, like any other part of life. Although challenges...

Last month, the CDC released a Youth Risk Behavior study that shows female and lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning adolescents display a startling increase in mental health challenges compared to recent years.

Teen girls ‘engulfed in growing wave of sadness,’ new national data finds

Vanessa Moreno, News Editor March 14, 2023

Adolescent female and lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning students display increasing mental health challenges as hopelessness, suicidality and sexual violence reach new highs, CDC Youth Risk Behavior...

For many students who have struggled with addiction and depression, medication is a helpful way of managing mental illness. The journey toward diagnosis and prescription, though, can take an emotional toll.

Essay: You are not alone

Kyla Henige, Features Editor January 21, 2022

A student smiles, waving, and socializing with all her peers in the hallways. The student is in all honors classes, participates in school events and is always in a good mood. Her life seems perfect to...

Surviving the pandemic means more than resisting COVID-19. It also means taking care of oneself while remaining socially distant, keeping in touch with family and friends, and reaching out when you need help.

Opinion: How to take care of yourself as the pandemic persists

Alayna Trimingham, Staff Writer December 2, 2020

A student lays in their bed, dreading the day ahead of them. With schoolwork, jobs, and family issues, it can be difficult to handle it all, especially with depression and/or anxiety looming over their...

Author Stephen Chbosky wrote the novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower based on his own childhood in 1998. Chbosky wrote the screenplay and directed the 2012, which strikes the perfect tone as the world eases into the holidays.

Groovy Movies: You’re a wallflower

Kennedy Tetour, Arts and Entertainment Editor November 13, 2020

Now that COVID cases are going back up, and the earth is basically at a standstill once again, we are all desperate for some new content to immerse ourselves in so that we can all feel a little less alone....

When people struggle with their mental health—with depression or anxiety, sadness or grief—their struggle is true and real. Simply telling them to just feel better may invalidate their feelings—and make them feel worse.

Opinion: ‘I’m sad’ is a good enough excuse

Stacy Correra, Copy Editor April 9, 2020

At some point in everyone's life, they feel like they have hit their ultimate low. For some, this pit of endless disappointment and desperation seems impossible to come back from. People don't need an...

Elle is MCHSs advice columnist. Email her at

Ask Elle: Pushing people away

Elle Smith, Staff Writer March 11, 2020

Dear Elle: My parents are driving me absolutely insane. Life hasn't been easy on me this week and every single time I try to talk to them about it, they just tell me that life is hard and I should just...

Elle is MCHSs advice columnist. Email her at

Ask Elle: Winter blues

Elle Smith, Advice Colummnist December 3, 2019

Dear Elle: During the summer, most of my friends know me as someone who is fun, outgoing, and loves to go on adventures. But now that it's getting colder and darker day by day, I'm finding it harder and...

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