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McHenry High School's student-written and -edited newspaper

The McHenry Messenger

McHenry High School's student-written and -edited newspaper

The McHenry Messenger

McHenry High School's student-written and -edited newspaper

The McHenry Messenger

Kyla Henige

Kyla Henige, Features Editor

Kyla Henige is a senior at McHenry High School's Upper Campus. She has been a part of the Messenger staff since her freshman year, and takes pride in her writing. Kyla is involved in Key Club, StuCo, LIA, soccer, and theater. She intends on joining the National Guard and going to college to study political science and journalism. Kyla is very excited to see even more growth in the newspaper this year, and can't wait to finish what she started.


“Fear of the unknown” (Best of SNO)

2022 IHSA Sectionals (third in Feature Writing)

“Essay: You are not alone” (1st in IWPA Communications Contest, Best of SNO, IJEA)

2021 IHSA Sectionals (sixth in Sports Writing)

“Your offensive language may hurt someone else” (IJEA)

All content by Kyla Henige
Students find their place cards during prom on April 29 at the Renaissance Convention Center in Schaumburg.

A roaring recap

Kyla Henige, Features Editor
May 23, 2022
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Many seniors have been waiting their whole childhood for graduation day. Other seniors, though, don’t feel as confident or certain about their path after high school and may even be scared to leave high school.

Fear of the unknown

Kyla Henige, Features Editor
May 13, 2022
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Molara Fashola founded the BLACK club in hopes to create a more inclusive and supportive school community. All students are welcomed into the club as long as they are willing to listen, learn and denounce racism.

Including the excluded

Kyla Henige, Features Editor
March 24, 2022
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Stools are useful for helping people get to higher places and reach what they could not before. MCHS’s community has students, staff and parents who have helped others reach new heights in a similar way by stepping up during unprecedented times.

Stepping up

Kyla Henige, Features Editor
March 4, 2022
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During the week of Feb. 28, Warrior Buddies is leading a special spirit week aimed to "End the Word." The R-slur is a word that people should have stopped using long ago.

[Photo] Opinion: End the word

Bri Quast, Staff Writer
March 1, 2022
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Even as many states lift masking mandates, many businesses still want to see proof of vaccination. But what about those who have their reasons not to get the jab?

Opinion: Requiring vaccines is wrong

Kyla Henige, Features Editor
February 11, 2022
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For many students who have struggled with addiction and depression, medication is a helpful way of managing mental illness. The journey toward diagnosis and prescription, though, can take an emotional toll.

Essay: You are not alone

Kyla Henige, Features Editor
January 21, 2022
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Bathrooms at the Upper Campus have been closed on and off due to vandalism, but this isn't the only place in on campus — and in the community — where vandalism has become a problem.

Opinion: Vandalism has become its own pandemic

Kyla Henige, News Editor
November 19, 2021
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Nicole Pedretti helps a student catch up on her work during Learning Forward on  October 27 in the Upper Campus library.

Learning forward provides extra student support

Kyla Henige, News Editor
November 8, 2021
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The Class of 2021 tosses their caps following their commencement ceremony on May 20 outside of East Campus. This was one of 14 separate graduation ceremonies held by East Campus.

Gallery: East and West graduation

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
May 24, 2021
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Though the vaccine hasn't received official approval for people under the age of 18, several teenagers, including MCHS students, have received vaccines as essential workers or because they are at-risk.

Next in line

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
April 23, 2021
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A row of desks sits empty in a West Campus classroom, every other featuring a sticker with a Warrior head that says, "Social distancing required. Please don't sit here." Now that ISBE and IDPH have issued new guidance, these stickers may become obsolete

Opinion: Bring students back

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
March 16, 2021
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Preparing for standardized test can be stressful enough when it's not a pandemic. The state's choice to seek a federal testing waiver is the right decision.

Opinion: Let’s skip standardized tests this year

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
March 2, 2021
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Though he has played a variety of roles throughout his tenure at MCHS, college prep instructor Kris Hokinson has made a powerful impact on his students.

Hele mai ho’ohiwahiwa

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
February 9, 2021
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Being a teenager is already stressful enough, and the pressure added by the pandemic has made it so much worse. When parents add to this stress by being too pushy, research shows that it can have a particularly negative effect for a teenager.

Opinion: Parents just don’t understand

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
January 26, 2021
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[Photo] Comfort food

Ciara Duncan, Features Editor
December 2, 2020
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The sun rises over West Campus's south entrance on November 20. As Thanksgiving approaches, the number of COVID cases in McHenry County has reached a new high, causing the district pause all students coming into the building.

[Photo] District 156 pushes hybrid learning to second semester

Kennedy Tetour, Arts and Entertainment Editor
November 20, 2020
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CTE division chair Karyn Burmeister walks into West Campus wearing a mask on November 20. As cases in McHenry County rise, staff rely on clear information to decide whether to work from their classroom or from home.

[Photo] Containing COVID

Emma Snyder, News Editor
December 1, 2020
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A face recognition body temperature thermometer stands just inside of the West Campus south entrance ready to scan visitors who enter the building.

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Neither students nor teachers were ready for an entirely remote school year, and everyone is still scrambling to make it work.

Con: Remote learning doesn’t work for most students

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
November 17, 2020
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Signs provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health hang on bulletin boards throughout West Campus. Now that students will not be returning to hybrid, only teachers, staff, and administrators will see them.

District 156 dashboard reports COVID cases

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
October 30, 2020
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An illustration on a poster provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health shows a child wearing a mask. The posters hang in West Campus, though only few students currently attend class in the building.

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A student wears a mask in the hallways at West Campus on October 20, only a couple days before the district announced they would be pausing plans to begin a hybrid schedule.

[Photo] Hybrid learning “paused”

Emma Snyder, News Editor
October 29, 2020
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As the sun sets on an empty MCHS West Campus, a new beginning is coming in the near future. Soon a Hybrid Learning model will  be bringing life back into the building.

MCHS to open back up for hybrid learning

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
October 5, 2020
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Stefanie Lukas leads students through a math lesson at East Campus before the switch to remote learning in March.

MCDH approves hybrid learning

Kyla Henige, Managing Editor
September 30, 2020
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News Briefs: Week of May 11, 2020

Kyla Henige, News Editor
May 11, 2020
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Though digital learning has been stressful for many students, parents have also had a tough job during shelter-in-place. Many parents are balancing a job from home with the demands of parenting, and many have even lost their jobs.

[Photo] Parenting in a Pandemic

Michelene Havard, Staff Writer
April 28, 2020
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With Chicago mayor Laurie Lightfoot at his side, Governor J.B. Pritzker issues a directive to all Illinois residents to stay at home during a Friday press conference.

COVID-19 leaves Illinois in lock down

Kyla Henige, News Editor
March 21, 2020
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The McHenry Downtown Theater is hosting "LIKE," an indie film dealing with the impact of social media on teenagers lives. With social media ever expanding, it begs the question on if it is a positive or negative within our society.

MCHS to host viewing of documentary “LIKE”

Kyla Henige, News Editor
February 13, 2020
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MORP, which is "prom" spelled backwards, is an informal dance where students can have fun, de-stress, and hang out with friends. Posters hang around the school to promote the event.

Winter spirit week culminates in annual MORP dance

Kyla Henige, News Editor
February 7, 2020
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Though construction broke ground in September, the structure that will make up West Campus's new wing began taking shape at the beginning of second semester.

West’s new wing one-third complete

Kyla Henige, News Editor
February 6, 2020
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Seniors Erin Caner and Noelle Peters walk out of West Campus’s south foyer together. Seniors will be able to leave campus to eat lunch starting second semester.

Changing with the times

Kyla Henige, News Editor
December 16, 2019
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Victims and their allies need a safe space or outlet to take a stand together and speak up when something is wrong. When things are left unsaid, the abuser gains more power, and the abuse will not stop.

Opinion: Help is on the way

Kyla Henige, News Editor
November 19, 2019
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Volunteers from West's Key Club sanitize their hands before packing meals for Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville.

Key Club breaks record for feeding hungry children

Kyla Henige, News Editor
November 1, 2019
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MCHS students take two standardized tests during their junior year—the Preliminary SAT in the fall and the official SAT in the spring.

Juniors tackle PSAT

Kyla Henige, News Editor
October 23, 2019
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In the Chill Zone, students will find a  quiet space with comfortable places to sit and calming decor, including a bubbling fish statue.

West chill zone offers space to cool down

Kyla Henige, News Editor
October 15, 2019
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Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Carl Vallianatos addresses stakeholders during a groundbreaking ceremony on September 19 outside of West Campus.

Breaking new ground

Kyla Henige, News Editor
October 7, 2019
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