Weekly anxiety workshops meet on Zoom

West Campus counselors launch an anxiety workshop series for students who are struggling with mental health


Kyla Henige

Counselor Sarah Sadler works at her computer in her office in West Campus. She and counseling intern Jenna McLaughlin have launched a workshop series to offer support to students with anxiety.

Joe Ndu, Staff Writer

Among all of the chaos of the pandemic, remote learning and the hybrid schedule, the importance of mental health often gets lost. West Campus counselor Sarah Sadler and counseling intern Jenna McLaughlin have decided to do something about this problem by creating an anxiety group that meets every Thursday on Zoom from 2-3 p.m. 

The meetings so far have been a success,” said McLaughlin. “We have had a good turn out of students wanting to learn ways to cope with anxiety, how to identify triggers, and students that are supporting each other through these very difficult times.

McLaughlin explains that the pandemic is one reason she wanted to start the meetings in the first place. “I wanted to start this group because we know the pandemic has brought a lot of stressors and anxiety to many. Students need a safe place they can learn how to manage these uncomfortable situations and feelings.

McLaughlin has high hopes for the future of these meetings, as she says in her response. “I think ultimately it will go pretty well as they all learn they are not alone and that they can lean on their peers for support.

With the creation of this mental health group, many will find a place to express themselves and show their true emotions. Many just need a place to unload, and both Sadler and McLaughlin have created that for students at MCHS.